Sometimes, it is logical to stop what you are doing and question yourself why you started doing it in the first place. Every now and then, a dose of questions conciliates your life and keeps you motivated; even if the answer you get is abashing.
So let's think of the best possible answer to the following question,
'Are you living?'
Before you could answer that question, let me state some facts.
1)     Living is not confined to three activities; waking up, working, sleeping.
If all you do in life is wake up, go to work, come back home and go to bed, then sorry my friend,you aren't a human ‘living’ life. You are a robot finishing its assigned tasks.
2)     Living is no way near the term 'breathing'.
If living means breathing in and breathing out, congratulations. You and plants are more common in nature then you and your ex.
3)     Living has nothing to do with procrastinating on the same couch for days.
If being updated about every movie, every TV show and every new flavor of popcorn is considered living in your head, you need a brainwash.
4)     Laziness is not categorized as a sign of living.

Making a list of to do things and spending the next whole month thinking about doing 
them is not included in the definition of 'living'
Now that we’ve stated the facts. Lets all proudly say, ”NO”.No, I am not living”.  Living life has a whole new meaning. Facing fears, trying something new everyday, having a new routine set for tomorrowcherishing every moment, going on crazy wild rides. These are the kinds of activities that makes your heart beat faster than it does when the love of your life is on his knees proposing you.
It is easy to talk about facing fears but malicious attitude of people is really hard to handle. Few years from now, it wont be easy to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder how much you could have accomplished if you would’ve tried to step up your game and gave people no chance to laugh at your misery. A little effort and a door to success reveals unobstructed.
Yes we all have dreams, we all have purposes in life and the only way to get what we desire is through hard work. Working hard, making yourself better each day, taking risks to reach the top are the signs of living. The dead would remain the same till the judgement day. 

How about we prove ourselves different from them?

Besides the usual obstacles in our way of entering the world of living, one common factor is grouching. The grumpy attitude due to which no job is executed but resented leads to graveyard of living. Where you’ll find a bunch of people playing the blame game. All these people eloped because of fear and the lack of courage to face the fear. Believe in the fact “everyday is a new day” and make an oath right now to never ever find yourself wandering in the graveyard of living.
It is easy to talk about facing fears but malicious attitude of people is really hard to handle. Few years from now,it wont be easy to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder how much you could have accomplished if you would’ve tried to step up your game and give people no chance to laugh at your misery. A little effort and a door to success opens up.

We get one shot at this life. If you still aren’t living, make some changes before it’s  time to change your clothes for funeral. Each day, strive to increment yourself. It’s your change to emerge as a diamond.
ARE YOU ACTUALLY LIVING? ARE YOU ACTUALLY LIVING? Reviewed by Unknown on 8:53:00 pm Rating: 5

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