The agony of life can be unpredictable. There are the ones who are your adversary and the one who are your accomplice. There are the ones who deceive you and the ones who embrace you. The ones who would die for you and the ones who won't move a muscle for you. There are the ones who'd tell you you're impeccable and the ones who'd say you're flaunted. The point is, life is not as simple as it looks. There are things that are subtle. Understanding them is a whole new level for you and me

There is someone to whom things aren't as subtle as to us. Someone who is aware of stuff way more than us. That someone is the creator of this universe, the creator of you, the creator of the world. You say you lose people. Natural causes, personal mistakes or misunderstandings. Whatever causes them out of your lives are the ways chosen by God. The truth is you lose people because God doesn't want them to become an obstacle in your destiny. Every time you lose someone is the time your life sanitizes. When people leave, it's because you deserve much better than what you already have.

Missing them is the most obvious trait of humans. Talking to some people all day long and then having to never see them again hurting. Sharing all your secrets and then not being aware of their most common activities feel weird. Hugging someone every time you see them and then passing by without even waving feels nothing more than a tragedy. Being the first one to know about anything that occurs in their lives and then hearing from someone else what's going on in their lives breaks you from the inside.What helps is that if both you felt the same way, you won't even be in this messed up situations. Everybody likes things that are predictable. New things scare you sometimes, but experiencing them makes you realize that these are the things that are better. All you have to do is be open to them. Welcome the things that change your lives because that's what makes life worth living.

When we clean our surroundings every day and get a blissful feeling i our stomach, why not appreciate the sanitizing God does in our lives? Throwing some people away from your lives or adjusting you in a new environment is His way of cleaning your life. So before any negative thoughts come into your head that leads to the simplest four words 'It is my fault', always have another four words in your head 'Its for the best'. Let the sensitization of your life take place as it does and soon you'll end up somewhere you deserve.

SANITIZING YOUR LIFE SANITIZING YOUR LIFE Reviewed by Unknown on 1:10:00 pm Rating: 5

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