Depression has become so common these days. Wringing yourself to the extent to achieve some happiness and still getting depression sucks at a whole new level. It can be hard to get over a bit but harder if you don't know the direct cause of it. Once you are aware of the fact that's depressing you, you become bound to rectify that cause. Everything around you makes sense.
So here you go.
1) Encountering a sudden sadness:
Each day can't be perfect. Each day teaches you a lesson by dropping sudden dejection at your door. It is not to weaken you but to make you stronger. Sudden sadness like not getting your wish granted, getting into a fight with someone you love, sudden change of behavior of a particular person may change your mood. But remember, after every storm comes a beautiful day. After every sorrow, comes happiness. If you think you can solve the issue, there can't be a single thing in the world that can stop you from doing that. Your happiness is in your hands.

2) Lingering at the old door:
Many of you must be going through a breakup, many of your friends must have changed, many of your friends must have showed you the exit door, and many of your favorite people must have left you somehow. Hanging on to the past and the people that hurt you will only make your present miserable. It will only affect your future. There are many people who are waiting for you to smile. Many people who want to see you happy. The only way is to replace the people that once hold a really strong position in your life and now are hurting you in so many ways, by the people who are ready to make you smile even in the middle of the night.
People that hurt you only came in your life to teach you something. Once their work is done, they are gone. Moving on from them can be hard but hanging onto them can be harder.

3) The judging game:
Many of us choose to judge others and make their life difficult. We have to understand that we are only doing that to make ourselves feel better. Showing other people other people's flaws are to only show them how better you are. It actually works the other way round. Instead of seeing other people's flaws they start pointing out your own flaws. The only way to make you feel good is to make others feel good.

4) Taking people in your life for Granted.
There are many people in your life that would do anything to make you happy. People who would love to see you smile. Those are the kind of people who deserve your time and attention in life. Stop giving it to the people who doesn't care a bit.
5) The 'Nobody Cares' Cry:
We all at sometime in life look around and figure that there isn't a single person who cares about you. That is what depresses us the most. Despite caring so much for people, we don't get it back enough. The problem is that we don't look around properly. There are people who are. They sometimes fail to show it and sometimes we fail to understand it.

6) Poisoned by people's opinions:

Sometimes we are so happy and all of a sudden our facial expressions changes. They become more serious. Reason is taking what people pointed out in you seriously. Its okay to not be perfect but understanding that perfection lies in imperfections is the key to happiness. Trust me. People pointing out your flaws aren't perfect themselves. They only pretend to be. Before you take their words seriously, know that you are good the way you are.

7) Bad experience:
Tell me honestly, how many times you tried doing something and people showed you the exit door? No matter how many times that must have happened, some bad experiences shouldn't block you from letting the good experiences enlighten your life. No matter what happens, you should never stop. Be the same good person you were. Kick out the people that hurt you. Life is too short to stick around negative people. Always remember that.
7 REASONS WHY YOU ARE DEPRESSED. 7 REASONS WHY YOU ARE DEPRESSED. Reviewed by Unknown on 8:51:00 pm Rating: 5

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